The first thing Lauren Drain did after her family disowned her was walk to a local drugstore, buy poster board and markers, and list out her sins. Lauren has a nursing degree but also works now as a fitness model doing work that I’m sure her family wouldn’t agree with. She moved from Kansas to Connecticut and married a man named David Kagan in 2013. Since leaving in 2008, Lauren’s father, mother, two sisters and brother have cut all ties to her. Since the death of Pastor Fred Phelps, Steve Drain has become the de-facto leader of the Westboro Baptist Church. Shockingly, he became a convert and brought his family to live among the members, including the infamous Phelps family. It was Lauren’s father, Steve Drain, who first brought the family to the church when he was making a documentary about their followers. The “church,” made their name in protesting the funerals of victims of tragedies - somehow relating the deaths to acceptance of homosexuality in society - has proven time and again that no tragedy is safe from the group’s vile opinions. Having spent seven of her teenage years in the controversial organization from 2001-08, she was banished by its members for questioning the hateful message. Lauren Drain is easily the most famous ex-member of the Westboro Baptist Church.